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suspicions in one's mind中文解釋:
比喻積壓在心裡的疑慮 >>查看“疑雲”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 這個煩惱緊緊纏繞著我的情緒;疑雲緊緊纏繞著她。This worry hangs on my mind; The cloud of suspicion hangs over her.
- 有一團疑雲籠罩著他A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him
- 聽完了他的話, 她心頭不由升起一團疑雲。A suspicion sprang up in her mind after she heard what he'd said.
- 疑雲,恥辱影響聲望的疑問或控告Suspicion or a charge affecting a reputation
- 成功是疑雲中透出一線銀光。The silver tint in the clouds of doubt.