拼音:yì yǒu 英文解釋:
helpful friend
對自己的思想、工作、學習有幫助的朋友聖賢之君,皆有益友。—&mdas... >>
查看“益友”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 交益友與選擇好書對我們同樣重要。
Associating with good friends is no less important to us than choosing good books.
- 我可以想像她若有所思地寫下這幾個字時的情形:“一位益友。”
I can picture her adding it tho ughtfully to her list. “Good friend.
- 是部屬成長過程中的良師益友。
Be a mentor to someone on the way up.
- 是部屬成長過程中的良師益友。
Be a mentor to someone on the way up
- 他是我的良師益友。
He is my good teacher and helpful friend.
- 從好書中,我們找到良師益友。
From gool reading we can derive companionship.