拼音:yī yīng jù quán英文解釋:
Everything needed is ready.; from soup to nuts【經】 all kinds kept in stock
一切都具備。《何典》第四回:“和尚道:‘小僧身上餓皮虱、角虱……一應俱全,不知要... >>查看“一應俱全”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 這條街上的上百個小吃店供應各種吃的,從烤肉串到湯一應俱全。Hundreds of food stalls in this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup.
- 商店裡各色貨物,一應俱全。The shop is well stocked with goods of all kinds.
- 你這兒好像一應俱全(每一樣都帶了一點)了嘛!人造絲、尼龍、棉布、特多龍。You seem to have a little of everything here; rayon, nylon, cotton, tetolon
- 日用百貨一應俱全。All varieties of goods for daily use are available.
- 他想要可觀的薪水、 公司的汽車、 頭等的機票--一應俱全He expects a good salary, a company car, first-class air travel the lot