字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一一的英文翻譯 “一一”的日文翻譯


拼音:yī yī


one by one


一個一個地;依次地一一檢查好一一聽之。——《韓非子&mi... >>查看“一一”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 雖然綿羊看起來很相像,但那位老人仍能一一區別。
    Much as the sheep look alike, the old man can tell one from another.
  2. 他把名單給我再念一遍,我一一進行核對。
    He read back the list of name to me, and I checked them off one by one.
  3. 這是唯一一件我能穿的衣服。
    This is the only dress that I can wear.
  4. 幾位師傅都有各自的訣竅都應該一一學習。
    every good mechanic has a large bag of tricks.
  5. 我在心裡把最近發生的事情一一想了一遍。
    My mind travelled over recent events.
  6. 有幾處印錯了,我將在校樣上一一改正。
    There are a few misprints which I will correct in proof.
  7. 敏銳、慎重、聰慧、深刻、機智一一這些就是我的特點。
    Keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute—I was all of these.
