拼音:yī yè英文解釋:
【法】 folio相關詞條:
- 一頁版面為在一面印刷的版面設定The type set for printing one side of a leaf.
- 這一頁的反面有些字。There is some writing on the other side of the page.
- 這本書中少了一頁。There was a folio missing in the book.
- 在前一頁有一幅畫。There is a picture on the previous page
- 他將正在看的那一頁折了一個角。He folded down the corner of the page.
- 解釋和延遲的討論必須放到後面一頁。Explanations and prolonged discussions must be put on the next pages.
- 標明顯示這種設計的一頁或許多書頁A page or set of pages marked to indicate this design.
- 這一頁的反面有些字。There is some writing on the other side of the page.