字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一下子的英文翻譯


拼音:yī xià zǐ


at a draught; at one blow


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1.at one blow  2.at a whack  3.at a draught  4.at a clap  5.at a blow  6.at a stroke  7.quick as a flash  8.all of a heap  9.at one clap  10.at one jump  11.at one sweep  12.at one whack  13.right off  


  1. 一下子就猜中了謎底。
    He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash.
  2. 他們揚言要一下子取消整個項目。
    They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke.
  3. 不要一下子全吃光留下一些以後再吃。
    Don't eat them all at once; save some for later.
  4. 我不會一下子把壞訊息一古腦地倒出去,我會婉轉地告訴她。
    I won't break the bad news all at once. I'll let her down gently.
  5. 美國汽油價格一下子上漲了百分之四點三。
    American gasoline price has risen4 percent.3 in a short while.
  6. 一下子記不起他的名字。
    I am at a loss to remember his name.
  7. 一個小孩打翻了煤油爐,火一下子熊熊燃燒起來了。
    A child had knocked over an oil heater, which burst instantly into flames
  8. 老師講的東西,查理一下子就能記住。
    Charles soaks up facts as fast as the teacher gives them .
  9. 他拐彎時奔過來一下子撞著我,把我撞倒。
    He came running round the corner cannoned into me, and knocked me over
  10. 她難道這么一下子就會送命!
    I am not at all afraid of her dying.
