拼音:yì tiān英文解釋:
a day; one day; the whole day中文解釋:
(1) ∶一晝夜(2) ∶二十四小時一天二十四小時都有人值班(3) ∶有一天,有... >>查看“一天”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 你那些惡作劇總有一天會使你自食其果。Your practical jokes will redound on you/your own head one day.
- 她總有一天要出事。She'll have an accident one day.
- 總有一天我倆都有機會看看紐約。One day we'll both get to see New York.
- 我確信某一天他會成功的。I am sure he will succeed one day or another.
- 我們在一天之內完成這份工作是不可能的。It's impossible for us to finish the work in one day.