字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一瞬間的英文翻譯


拼音:yī shùn jiān


flash; instant; the twinkling of eye; tick


1.inaflash  2.foraninstant  


  1. 由於光速極快,我們幾乎能在開燈的那一瞬間就看見電燈亮起來。
    Because of the great speed of light, we see a lamp light up almost at the exact moment we turn it on.
  2. 在那一瞬間,她沒有認出綁架她的人。
    At that instant she did not recognize the man that had kidnapped her.
  3. 有那么一瞬間,我真想說“把玉米拿走吧”。
    For a second, I was tempted to say, “Take the corn.”
  4. 和你分離短短的一瞬間對我來說也是一件痛苦。
    Any separation from you will be painful for me.
  5. 財富很可能會在一瞬間獲得,也可能會在一瞬間失去。
    Fortunes can be made or lost in an instant.
  6. 我看見他的那一瞬間就認出他;我一看見他就認出他來。
    I recognized him the minute I saw him.
  7. 對所有這一切採取一種像打哈欠一樣的厭倦態度,它們在一瞬間就會消失。
    Adopt a ho-hum attitude to all of this and you will be out in a jiffy.
