字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>儀式上的英文翻譯


拼音:yí shì shàng




  1. 在懺悔儀式上牧師所布道的拯救行為。
    formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance.
  2. 清洗使身體潔淨;尤指儀式上的清潔例如洗手等。
    cleansing the body by washing; especially ritual washing of e.g. hands.
  3. 在宗教儀式上民眾的捐獻物。
    the offerings of the congregation at a religious service.
  4. 奉獻金在宗教儀式上收集的捐贈
    A collection of offerings at a religious service.
  5. 在懺悔儀式上牧師所布道的拯救行為。
    formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance
  6. 使正當或在儀式上潔淨
    To make proper or ritually pure.
  7. 火葬燃料指在作為葬禮儀式的火葬儀式上使用的易燃物
    A heap of combustibles for burning a corpse as a funeral rite.
  8. 在宗教儀式上民眾的捐獻物。
    the offerings of the congregation at a religious service
