拼音:yí qì英文翻譯
abandon; cast off; desert; desertion; forsake; leave【法】 abandonment; dedition; dereliction; desertion; expose; exposing
forsake; repudiate; repudiation; run out; throw over; walk out on
1.dereliction 2.deserted 3.forsake 4.throwover 5.repudiation 6.exposing 7.[colloq]poorman'sdivorce 8.abandonment例句:
- 他遺棄了他的妻子和孩子。He abandoned his wife and child.
- 那可憐的小狗被人遺棄了。The poor little puppy had been abandoned.
- 被配偶遺棄是離婚的充足理由。Desertion is a ground (ie legally sufficient reason) for divorce.
- 在公眾場所遺棄雜物是妨害公眾利益的。It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.
- 被配偶遺棄是離婚的理由嗎?Is desertion grounds for divorce?
- 那個母親生下他後不久就把他遺棄了。The baby's mother deserted him soon after giving birth.