拼音:yī qí英文解釋:
all of a lump; at the same time中文解釋:
同時 >>查看“一齊”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.ataclap 2.allofalump 3.inchorus 4.toghter 5.atoneclap例句:
- 往事一齊湧上我心頭。Memories crowded in on me.
- 不要大家一齊說!Don't all speak at once!
- 溺水的男孩大聲喊叫,大家一齊趕去救他。The drowning boy called out and everybody rushed to his rescue.
- 他們買下了那所房子、那片土地、那個馬廄--所有東西都一齊買下了。They bought the house, the land, the stables the whole shooting match.
- 一齊射擊,快速連續射擊大批火器同時連續急速地發射A discharge from a number of firearms, fired simultaneously or in rapid succession.