拼音:yīn zǐ英文解釋:
factor; gene【化】 factor
【醫】 factor
因素;成分影響農作物收成的因子很多 >>查看“因子”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.gene 2.facil 3.divisor 4.agent 5.efficient 6.multiplier(-icator) 7.fertilityfactor 8.facient漢語造句:
- 帶菌者沒有表現出疾病的症狀但卻攜帶這種疾病的傳染因子並由此能夠傳播疾病的人或動物A person or an animal that shows no symptoms of a disease but harbors the infectious agent of that disease and is capable of transmitting it to others.
- 2,3,4和6都是12的因子。2,3, 4,6 are all factors of 12.
- 型材中裂紋應力強度因子計算方法The Calculation of the Crack Tip Stress Intensity Factor Sections
- 青島地區大氣氣溶膠海洋因子貢獻研究Study on the sea contribution to atmospheric aerosol in Qingdao district
- 大腸癌血管內皮生長因子與雌激素受體的表達及臨床意義Expression and Clinical Significance of VEGF and ER in Colorectal Cancer
- OK-432對荷瘤小鼠脾細胞IL-12及Th1細胞因子分泌的誘導作用OK-432 Induced IL-12 and Th1 Cytokines Production in Tumor Bearing Mice
- 趨化性細胞因子受體CXCR4在腎透明細胞癌中的分布探討Expression of chemokine receptor CXCR4 on clear cell renal carcinoma