拼音:yǐn yǔ 英文解釋:
speech; text中文解釋:
(1) ∶適於引用的著名的、傑出的或流行的段落引語集錦(2) ∶語錄,自權威方面... >>
查看“引語”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
quotation 中英例句:
- 我終於在引語字典中查到了那段引文。
I finally track down the reference in a dictionary of quotation.
- 那個牧師是能找到貼切的引語,因為他對《聖經》滾瓜爛熟。
The Vicar can always find an apt quotation because he's got the whole Bible at his command.
- "他說他很餓" 是間?em>右鐧睦印?
"He said he was hungry" is an example of indirect speech.
- `他說: 我要來。 '在間接引語中變成`他說他要來。'
In indirect speech, `He said, ``I will come''' becomes `He said he would come.'