拼音:yìn mó英文解釋:
moulage; print【醫】 impression
- 打孔,蓋印從平模具打洞或印模,尤指用鑄模蓋印To punch or stamp from flat stock, especially with a die.
- 一種從海藻中獲得的類似凝膠的物質並且用於印模原料A gelatin-like substance obtained from kelp and used in impression material
- 印模在刑事偵察中所用而製作的印模,如腳印的印模A mold, as of a footprint, made for use in a criminal investigation
- 拉伸通過印模使(如金屬線)成形或伸長To shape or elongate(a wire, for example) by pulling through dies.
- 制印模用石膏對這種模型或模子的製作,如用巴黎的石膏The making of such a mold or cast, as with plaster of Paris
- (印模壓成的)一塊黃油a print of butter
- 拉伸通過印模使(如金屬線)成形或伸長To shape or elongate(a wire, for example) by pulling through dies
- 把印模壓印在陶土上to impress a die into clay