字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>引流的英文翻譯 “引流”的日文翻譯


拼音:yǐn liú


【醫】 drain; drainage


(1) ∶依靠吸引力或重力從一個體腔或傷口抽取液體的行為、過程和辦法(2) ∶... >>查看“引流”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 心臟手術後病人血及其引流血經需氧菌及厭氧菌培養均陰性。
    Anaerobic and aerobic cultures of the shed mediastinal blood were negative.
  2. T管引流術後膽汁粘度及CRP、FN、C_3的動態變化
    Denamic changes of bile viscosity CRP FN and C 3 after T tube drinage.
  3. 眼上靜脈為頸內動脈海綿竇瘺的主要引流靜脈。 26例經血管內栓塞治療和外科治療後症狀和體徵消失。
    The symptoms and signs of CCF disappeared after treatment in 26 cases.
  4. 資料的收集包括淋巴囊腫的位置,大小及引流的時間。
    Location of the lymphoceles, size, and duration of drainage were recorded.
  5. B超引導下經皮肝穿刺置管引流治療肝膿腫臨床分析
    Percutaneous cather drainage of pyogenic liver abscess
  6. HPLC法測定人工引流熊膽汁中熊去氧膽酸含量
    HPLC Determination of BHe Acid in Living Bear Bile
  7. 心臟體外循環術後心包縱隔引流管的護理
    Nursing of Pericardium and Mediastinum Drainage after Open Heart Surgery
  8. 腹腔引流管的改進與套用
    Modification and Application of Abdominal Cavity Drainage-tube
