拼音:yǐn jìn英文解釋:
introduce into; bring in; fetch in; work in【法】 introduce
(1) ∶推薦無人引進(2) ∶帶領入內把一個人引進會客室(3) ∶吸收外界優秀... >>查看“引進”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.workin 2.introduceinto 3.indraught 4.fetchin 5.introduction 6.bringin 7.introduce例句:
- 她把來訪者引進屋子裡。She ushered the visitor into the room.
- 開幕,揭幕正式開始或引進A formal beginning or introduction.
- 我決不能饒恕查理曼大帝之將時鐘引進西方文明這一件事情。I can never forgive Charlemagne for introducing clocks into Western civilization.
- 兔子在澳洲是較為近期引進的動物。The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.
- 政府認為引進新技術至關重要。The government saw the introduction of new technology as vital.