拼音:yī nián yī cì英文解釋:
- 在一年一次的聚會裡,我們大家共享友誼的樂趣。In the annual get-together, we all enjoyed the pleasure of friendship.
- 一個隨植物生長而出現的一年一次的形狀。an annual formation of wood in plants as they grow.
- 檢測次數一般為一年一次。DGenerally survey Time is once in a year
- 一年一次的比賽項目a yearly event
- 在一年一次的聚會裡,我們大家共享友誼的樂趣。In the annual get-together, we all enjoyed the pleasure of friendship.
- 勞務雜役分派給士兵的一年一次或兩次的雜役(如打掃軍營)Manual or menial labor, such as barracks cleaning, assigned to soldiers.