拼音:yìng zhàn 英文解釋:
accept a challenge; meet an enemy attack; take up the glove中文解釋:
(1) ∶與前來進犯的敵人作戰(2) ∶接受對方的挑戰條件我堅決應戰,保證按時完... >>
查看“應戰”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
pickupthegauntlet 2.
rebellion 3.
acceptbattle 4.
takeuptheglove 5.
takeupthegauntlet 6.
takeupthechallenge 7.
tookupthechallenge 8.
takenupthechallenge 9.
takeupthegloves 例句:
- 他們不得不以極少的彈藥應戰。
They had to meet the attack with very little ammunition.
- 他向我挑戰,我就偏要應戰。
I felt a perverse desire to accept his challenge.
- 挑戰與應戰——對埃及早期現代化探索的思考
On the Probe of the Early Egyptian Modernization
- 鋼鐵工業提高了效率以適應戰爭要求。
The steel industry was geared up to the need of the war.
- 不可率爾應戰。
We should not rashly accept battle.
- 他們不得不以極少的彈藥應戰。
They have to meet the attack with very little ammunition.