拼音:yīng wǔ英文解釋:
parrot【醫】 poll
(1) (2) 廣泛分布於熱帶地區的許多屬於鸚形目(Psittaciformes... >>查看“鸚鵡”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.pollparrot 2.popinjay 3.parakeet 4.lorikeet 5.kakapo 6.lory 7.kea中英例句:
- 可以教某些鸚鵡說話。You can teach some parrots to talk.
- 鸚鵡把我的手指掐得得很疼。The parrot gave me a sharp peck on the finger.
- 這隻鸚鵡很會學舌。This parrot is an amazing mimic.
- 男孩把一隻鸚鵡放在右肩上。The boy had a parrot on his right shoulder.
- 這隻鸚鵡的嘴是紅色的。This parrot has a red beak.
- 鸚鵡是鳴鳥嗎?Are parrot warblers?
- 那鸚鵡嘎嘎大叫。The parrot squawked loudly.