- 這後面可能隱藏著其它動機。
Other motives may have lurked in the background.
- 他的政治對手們能夠戳穿他表面的誠實,揭露他隱藏著的欺詐意圖。
His political opponents were able to tear off the show of sincerity that had been covering his deceitful intentions.
- 氛圍中隱藏著危險。
Danger lurked in the atmosphere.
- 科學的目標就是尋找自然界中隱藏著的規律。
The goal of scientists is to find the hidden order in nature.
- 在這種誤導的下面隱藏著什麼可能的原因呢?
What are the possible reason beneath this massive DIS-INformATION campaign?
- 尋聲望去,他立即發現了隱藏著的歌手。
Pursue the direction of the voice he soon discover the hide songster .
- 隱藏著的情感力量的釋放。
the release of a store of affective force
- 隱藏著的情感力量的釋放。
the release of a store of affective force.