拼音:yǐn cáng de英文翻譯
cryptic; cryptical; latent; perdue; recondite; snug【計】 hidden
1.undiscovered 2.veiled 3.latebrose 4.perdu 5.subterraneous 6.secretiveness 7.absconditus 8.defossate 9.concealed例句:
- 陷阱地上用做陷阱的隱藏的洞;陷阱A concealed hole in the ground used as a trap; a pitfall.
- 表面上他看起來軟弱,但他有隱藏的力氣。Apparently, he is weak, but he has hidden strength.
- 矮妖精愛爾蘭民間傳說中一種小精靈,可以向抓住它的人指示隱藏的寶藏One of a race of elves in Irish folklore who can reveal hidden treasure to someone who catches him.
- 在拆毀上房子時,工人們無意中發現了隱藏的財寶。In pulling down the old house, the workers came upon hidden treasure.