拼音:yǐn cáng英文解釋:
conceal; ensconce; lock; obscure; shroud; veil【計】 hide
隱蔽躲藏,不讓別人發現 >>查看“隱藏”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.occultation 2.hide 3.pocket 4.concealment 5.conceal 6.keepin 7.lurk 8.cache 9.secrete 10.reservation 11.ensconce 12.enwomb 13.hideup 14.hiding 15.concealfrom 16.obscure相關對話:
- 他隱藏了一年。He stayed in hiding for a year.
- 海關查出了隱藏在貨物中的海洛因。The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight.
- 隱藏之處或藏身之處A place of shelter or concealment.
- 假使語言是為了隱藏思想而被發明的,那么報紙就是對這不良發明的一大改進。If word were invented to conceal think, newspaper should be a great improvement on a bad invention.
- 在我現在看來,他那時似乎在嘆氣,而我吃吃地笑是在隱藏我的尷尬。It seems to me now that he sighed and that I tittered to hide my embarrassment.
- 氛圍中隱藏著危險。Danger lurked in the atmosphere.