relating to currency; argentine; silver; silver-coloured【醫】 Ag; arg; argent-; argenti; argento-; argentum; argyro-; silver
銀 (銀) yín 一種金屬元素,可以制貨幣和器皿、電子設備、感光材料、裝飾品...>>查看“銀”在國語字典中的解釋
1.mercurysulfidered 2.sillver 3.siller 4.argentum 5.Argentine 6.argent 7.stringency 8.Ag例句:
- 我喜歡戴銀首飾。I like to wear argentine jewellery.
- 她脖子上戴著一條銀項鍊。She wore a silver chain around her neck.
- 在桌上的銀相框裡有張她丈夫的照片。In a silver frame on the table there is a photograph of her husband.
- 他把蠟燭放在銀燭台上。He put the candle on the silver candlestick.
- 她在射擊比賽中獲得銀獎。She won a silver trophy for shooting.
- 她肩上披了一件銀狐皮披肩。She was wearing a silver fox fur across her shoulders.
- 他們有一些標準純銀餐具。They have some sterling silver cutlery.