拼音:yì miáo英文解釋:
vaccine【化】 vaccine
【醫】 vaccin; vaccine; vaccinum
用病毒、立克次氏體衣原體等接種實驗動物、雞胚或組織培養生長後,收穫處理而製備的生... >>查看“疫苗”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.vaccinelymph 2.vaccin 3.bacterin 4.inoculum 5.vaccination例句:
- 這種疫苗用以為全體居民預防傳染病。The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.
- 在各種醫藥研究中,應首先解決尋找新疫苗的問題。The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research.
- 接種這種疫苗可有兩年免疫力。This vaccine will give you immunity for two years.
- 他做了疫苗注射以預防狂犬病。He had a vaccination against rabies.