拼音:yī liàn 英文解釋:
cleave; be reluctant to leave中文解釋:
留戀,不忍離開依戀故鄉的一草一木 >>
查看“依戀”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 我依戀故鄉的一草一木。
I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.
- 她很自然地依戀這個地方。
Naturally she is attached to the place .
- 他們在依戀中振翼,唱說:"靠近些吧,我愛!"
They flutter their wings in yearning, and sing, "Come closer, my love!"
- 依戀,愛慕,情感一種情結,如愛戴或忠誠;愛慕
A bond, as of affection or loyalty; fond regard
- 他異常依戀那些使他回憶起童年生活的東西。
He is fixate on things that remind him of his childhood.
- 依戀故鄉的一草一木
be attached to every tree and bush in hometown
- 固著,依戀以一種不成熟或神經質的方式(把自己)和另一個人或事聯繫起來
To attach(oneself) to a person or thing in an immature or neurotic fashion
- 反覆愛講的話題;固結,依戀
A topic with which one is obsessed; a fixation