拼音:yī lǎn zǐ 英文解釋:
(1) ∶大規模的或無區別的交易或行為一攬子交易(2) ∶對各種事物不加區分或不... >>
查看“一攬子”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 與一攬子歐洲貨幣相比英鎊以下跌。
The pound have fall-en against a basket of European currency.
- 大臣們力圖搞個一攬子交易結束這場爭論。
Minister was trying to put together a package that would end the dispute.
- 與一攬子歐洲貨幣相比英鎊已下跌。
The pound has fallen - en against a basket of European currency.
- 他們力圖搞一攬子交易結束這場爭論。
They are trying to put together a package that will end the dispute
- 他們下很大決心, 提出了 “一攬子解決”的構想。
It was a hard decision for them to propose the package solution.
- 與一攬子歐洲貨幣相比英鎊以下跌。
The pound have fall-en against a basket of European currency.