拼音:yī kē 英文解釋:
medical courses in general中文解釋:
教學研究上有關醫療、藥物、公共衛生等方面的學科的統稱醫科大學 >>
查看“醫科”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 醫科學生
a medical student
- 讀醫科的學生也會名正言順的成為醫生。
A student studying medicine was destined to be ...what else but a doctor.
- 讀醫科的學生也會名正言順的成為醫生。
A student studying medicine was destined to be what else but a doctor
- 醫科大學預科學習課程
A premedical program of study
- 大腸菌群≤40MPN/100ml,重慶醫科大學碩士研究生學位論文無致病菌檢出。
The coliform colt was≤40MPN/100ml,and no bad bacteria was found.
- 道爾在成為享譽全球的作家之前在醫科學校學習過。
Before finding worldwide fame as a writer, Doyle attended medical school
- 他改學醫科,於1980年畢業。
He switched to medicine and graduated in 1980.
- 醫科大學預科學生
A premedical student