字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>移開的英文翻譯


拼音:yí kāi




  1. 當黃油起沫後,把它從火上移開
    When bubbling turns to foam, remove the butter from the heat.
  2. 收回抽回,拿開;移開
    To take back or away; remove.
  3. 那把椅子擋著路,請把它移開
    That chair is in the way, move it please.
  4. 移職,撤職把…從一個地位或位置上移開,尤其指把…從職務上撤下來
    To dislodge from a location or position, especially to remove from office
  5. 當我們與陌生人擦肩而過時,多數人往往把目光移開
    These daily encounters, when they are angry or alien, diminish our lives.
  6. 把那腳踏車從街道上移開
    Get that bicycle out of the street.
  7. 醫生把針刺入我手臂時,我把目光移開
    I looked away as the doctor put the needle in my arm.
  8. 有一會兒他的視線沒有從她的面孔上移開
    For a moment he did not remove his eyes from her face
