字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>移交的英文翻譯 “移交”的日文翻譯


拼音:yí jiāo


devolve on; hand over; handover to the successor; make over; remove; set over
【經】 make over


(1) ∶原來負責經營的人離職前把所管的事物交給接手的人臨走前把工作移交給我了(... >>查看“移交”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 5月27日,我們將工廠完整無損地移交給解放軍。
    On May 27 we handed over the plant to the Liberation Army undamaged.
  2. 他簽字把財產移交給兄弟。
    He signed over the property to his brother.
  3. 他將在明天移交工作。
    He will hand over charge of his office tomorrow .
  4. 美國要求奈及利亞將泰勒移交設在獅子山的聯合國法庭。
    Mr Taylor arrived in Nigeria on Monday after resigning from office.
  5. 將軍向占領者辦理了移交
    The general handed over to the conqueror.
  6. 他把生意移交給女兒管理。
    He turned the business over to his daughter
  7. 海關官員把那個人移交給了法國警察。
    The customs officials turned the man over to the French police.
  8. 移交資格、權利或要求權轉移給別人的行為。
    act of transferring a title or right or claim to another
