字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>議和的英文翻譯 “議和”的日文翻譯


拼音:yì hé


make peace; negotiate peace


通過談判達成終止敵對行為或停止戰爭 >>查看“議和”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 今年夏天,在美洲會議和泛美會議上,我們希望他們能聯合起來譴責卡斯楚和古巴共產黨。
    At the American conference and Intra-Americas conference this summer, we wanted them to join together in the denunciation of Castro and the Cuban Communists.
  2. 全球網(WWW)是一種網路的超文本協議和用戶界面。
    World wide web (www) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface
  3. 你的建議和我們昨天已作好的安排相牴觸。
    Your suggestions run counter to what we arranged yesterday.
  4. 周末會把會議和電話記錄打出來。
    Meeting and phone call notes get typed up at the end of the week.
  5. 聯大通過的各項決議和決定
    various resolutions and decisions adopted at the U. N. General Assembly
  6. 幫助、建議和鼓勵的源泉。
    a source of help and advice and encouragement.
