拼音:yí hái英文解釋:
remains【法】 remains
曾是有生命的軀體的化石骸骨(如人的屍體);遺體烈士遺骸 >>查看“遺骸”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.remains 2.ash 3.theremains漢語造句:
- 骨灰人的遺骸,尤指在火化或腐爛後Human remains, especially after cremation or decay.
- 在這所修道院中,僧侶們把他們教友的遺骸累積在專門的存放遺骸的房子裡。At Simonopetra monks pile the bones of brothers in a charnel house.
- 考古學家挖掘出一個恐龍的遺骸。The archaeologists dug up the skeleton of a dinosaur.
- 骨灰人的遺骸,尤指在火化或腐爛後Human remains, especially after cremation or decay.
- 煤是由淡水植物遺骸形成的。Coal is formed from the remains of freshwater plants.
- 失事船隻(飛機等)的遺骸remains of a wreck