- 他注定要客死異國。
It was his destiny to die in a foreign country.
- 他還須注意,勿顯得因游過異國他邦就改變了自己本國的某些習慣,而應該讓人覺得自己是把在國外學到的某些最好的東西融進了本國的習俗。
And let it appear that he doth not change his country manners, for those of foreign parts; but only prick in some flowers, of that he hath learned abroad, into the customs of his own country.
- 應該是對異國文化的好奇吧!
Curiosity of an exotic culture, maybe.
- 這些充滿異國情調的場景大大增加了影片的美感。
These exotic settings greatly add to the aesthetic appeal of the movie.
- 身在異國他鄉,唯有家最讓我思念。
Living outside my country, what I miss the most is my family.
- 這道異國菜餚的味道令我望而卻步。
The taste of this exotic dish puts me off.
- 我在異國他鄉遇到故知。
I ran into an old friend in the alien Land.