- 報告必須是清晰易讀;手寫報告書的筆跡經常不易於辨認。
Make your memos legible; handwritten memos sometimes are difficult to read.
- 確定它的易讀性。
Note that it must be readable.
- 總的準則是,記住保持你的測試程式簡單易讀。
As a guideline, remember to keep tests simple and readable
- 它提供方便性和易讀性。
It is provided for convenience and readability.
- 那本書已被刪節到易讀的篇幅。
That book has been abridged to a readable length.
- 清楚的,易讀的可以閱讀、解釋的
Possible to read or decipher.
- 這本書很易讀,六歲孩子足可讀得懂。
This book is easy enough for a six-year old child to read
- 那本書已被刪節到易讀的篇幅。
That book has been abridged to a readable length