字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一讀的英文翻譯


拼音:yī dú


【法】 first reading


  1. 我認為那本書值得一讀
    I think it worthwhile reading that book.
  2. 這本書值得一讀
    This book is worthy of being read .
  3. 他的新小說是罪案小說愛好者必須一讀的。
    His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction
  4. 一部非常值得一讀的書
    a highly recommendable book
  5. 他有許多詩都不值一讀
    There are many of his poems that should never be read.
  6. 小丫頭圖文並茂,真是值得一讀的好書.
    It is really nice to meet you!
  7. 假如那是一本有教育意義的小說,那就值得一讀
    If that novel is an instructive one, it will be worth while reading it.
  8. 每天都讀一讀這本書。
    Come to this book every day.
