字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>一次的英文翻譯


拼音:yī cì


once; one-off; whack
【電】 first order


1.package  2.onceonce  3.atatime  4.atoneclip  


  1. 我每天至少要把廚房地板擦洗一次
    I have to mop the kitchen floor at least once a day.
  2. 這些數據應該每星期更新一次
    The data should be updated once a week.
  3. 郵車每周只到這個偏僻的村莊一次
    Mail comes to this remote village only once a week.
  4. 我大約兩星期見他們一次
    I see them about once a fortnight.
  5. 這本刊物兩個月出版一次
    The journal makes its appearance once two months.
  6. 一次就夠了,別再幹了。
    Once is enough, never again.
  7. 我妹妹每周去一次美容院。
    My sister goes to a beauty parlour once a week.
  8. 垃圾工每周來收一次垃圾。
    The dustman comes once a week to collect the rubbish.
