拼音:yí chuán英文解釋:
heredity; inherit; inheritance; transmit【醫】 heredity; inheritance
(1) ∶通過細胞染色體由祖先向後代傳遞的品質遺傳學(2) ∶先人所流傳下來的 >>查看“遺傳”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.heredity 2.heritance 3.passdown 4.transmit 5.transmittal 6.transmitt 7.transmission 8.descendiblity 9.inherit 10.propagation 11.descend(ing) 12.intheblood 13.bequeathing 14.handingdown 15.Uppada漢語造句:
- 遺傳與環境可以決定一個人的性格嗎?Do heredity and environment determine one's character?
- 他從母方接受的遺傳是良好的。On the maternal side his inheritance was a happy one.
- 她女兒的漂亮眼睛是來自她的部分遺傳特徵。Her daughter's bonny eyes are parts of her heredity.
- 有些疾病是由於遺傳導致的。Some diseases are present by heredity.
- 這種病有遺傳性。The disease is hereditary.