拼音:yí chòu wàn nián英文解釋:
go down in history as a symbol of infamy中文解釋:
同“ 遺臭萬載 ”。《宋史·林勛程珌等傳贊》:“若乃 程珌 之竊取富貴, 梁成... >>查看“遺臭萬年”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 如果是的話,祖先做了些甚麽而萬世流芳或者遺臭萬年嗎?If so, what did this person do to become famous or infamous?
- 萬人唾罵, 遺臭萬年be cursed by all and covered with odium for thousands of years to come
- 醜事遺臭萬年。A bad thing never dies
- 你擁有一個萬世流芳或者遺臭萬年的祖先嗎?Does your character have a notorious or celebrated ancestor