- 作為計算機一部分的電路。
(computer science) a circuit that is part of a computer.
- 訓練作士兵但又不是正規軍一部分的市民。
civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army.
- 創口洗滌作為外科手術或醫治程式一部分的對一個身體部位的清洗
The cleansing of a body area as part of a surgical or medical procedure
- 構成整體的一部分的;構成整體必須的
Constituting part of a whole; integral.
- 凸輪啟動另一部分的凸輪;挺桿
A cam that activates another part; a wiper
- 打算獨立作為舞台場景的一部分的一塊風景。
a piece of scenery intended to stand alone as part of the stage setting
- 制動裝置阻止機械裝置的某一部分的運動的擒縱裝置或控制桿
A catch or lever that locks the movement of one part of a mechanism.
- 一個屬於某個較大系統的一部分的系統。
a system that is part of some larger system.