拼音:yī bǐ英文解釋:
at one stroke; brushstroke; trait相關詞條:
- 委員會可能酌情追加一筆補助金。A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee.
- 他給那幅油畫畫上最後一筆,然後走了出去。He put his finishing stroke to the portrait and went out.
- 潦草一筆匆忙的一筆,如用鉛筆或畫筆A quick stroke, as with a pencil or brush.
- 這是一筆價錢合算的買賣。It's a good buy at that price.
- 你曾提到需要一筆額外資金。你詳細談談好嗎?You mentioned the need for extra funding. Would you expand on that?