second【建】 acetonitrile; ethane nitrile
乙 yǐ 天干的第二位,用於作順序第二的代稱。 指代一方:甲方乙方。乙型腦炎。...>>查看“乙”在國語字典中的解釋
- 學生乙:橫渡正式開始了!Student B: The crossing formally began
- 雙苯乙烯衍生物型液體染料在箱紙板生產中的染色試驗Dyeing Test of the Distyrene Derivative Liquid Dye on the Case board
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- 圖下方至右方示直腸、乙狀結腸。The rectum and sigmoid colon are at the bottom extending to the right.
- 硫酸二乙二胺合銅(Ⅱ)的熱化學性質Thermochemical Behavior of Copper(Ⅱ)Bis (ethylenediamine) Sulfate
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- 男子乙驚叫:『你的吉娃娃怎麽可能殺得了我的羅威那呢?』The second man exclaimed "How did your chihuahua kill my rottwieler?"