字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>業務的英文翻譯 “業務”的日文翻譯


拼音:yè wù


business; operation; professional work
【計】 service


個人或某個機構的本行業本職工作 >>查看“業務”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 應收賬款保理業務探析
    A Discussion on Accounts Receivable Factoring
  2. 固定無線接入技術主要有多路多點分配業務(MMDS)和本地多點分配業務(LMDS)。
    Fixed broad-band wireless access technology mainly refers to MMDS and LMDS.
  3. 貴公司北京辦事處的一位業務夥伴,張先生,推薦我向您求職。
    I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a partner with your Beijing office.
  4. 結果是,每個業務員都來問我相同的問題。
    As a result, each of the salespeople comes to me with the same questions
  5. SLA驅動分散式業務管理的研究與實現
    Research and Implementation of SLA-Driven Distributed Service Management
  6. 我們希望這次試訂將會與貴方建立持久的業務聯繫。
    We hope that this trial order will lead to an enduring connection with you.
  7. 此次交易將導致貴我雙方今後保持業務聯繫。
    We sincerely hope that this will lead to an enduring connection with you.
  8. 基於市場拍賣模型的ATM網路ABR業務控制
    ABR traffic control and pricing in ATM networks based on an auction model
