拼音:yè wǎn英文解釋:
晚上,天黑之後 >>查看“夜晚”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.atnight 2.evening漢語造句:
- 隨著太陽的落下,夜晚悄悄地來到。With the setting of the sun, night comes silently.
- 他在家裡度過了一個寂寞的夜晚。He spent a lonesome evening at home.
- 這種炎熱的天氣在夜晚尚能忍受,但白天就令人感到呼吸困難。The heat was tolerable at night but suffocating during the day.
- 夜晚我們可以看見星群。We can see the stars at night.
- 小型貓頭鷹是在夜晚捕食的一種鳥。An owlet is a bird of prey that flies at night.
- 這是一個黑暗無月的夜晚。It's a dark and moonless night.
- 你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天卻看不到。You can see stars by night, but not by day.
- 真是個美妙的夜晚,暴風雨驚天動地。It was a marvelous night with a tempest to rouse the gods.