- 需要掌握正確處理衝突方法和策略的職業經理人。
Managers who want to master the method and tactic of resolving conflict.
- 堡子溝流域農業經濟系統投影尋蹤回歸(PPR)分析
A PPR. Analysis on the Agricultural Economy System of Buzigou Watershed
- 道家、儒家、法家思想對現代企業經營管理的啟示
Enlightenment of Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism to Modern Management
- 商業策略雜誌》刊載研究和分析商業經營管理、市場競爭、海外投資計畫與實施以及政府商業政策等問題的文章。
Journal of Business Strategy.
- 因為經濟衰退,光碟和音樂行業經營慘澹。
The CD and music industry are doing badly because of the recession.
- 運輸業經濟效益
economic benefit of transportation
- 經紀業經紀人的企業
The business of a broker
- 19世紀,彩票業經歷了一次衰落。
Lotteries suffered a decline in the 19th century