拼音:yá zhōu yán英文解釋:
【醫】 dental arthritis; Fauchard's disease; gingivopericementitisosteoperiostitis alveolodental; paradentitis; parodontitis
peridentitis; periodontal inflammation; periodontitis
未萌出牙冠周圍的齒齦炎症 >>查看“牙周炎”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.parodontitis 2.pericementitis中英例句:
- 中醫藥治療慢性牙周炎的臨床初步研究Treatment of chronic periodontitis with traditional Chinese medicine
- 慢性的牙周炎;牙窩膿腫。chronic periodontitis; purulent inflammation of the teeth sockets.
- 2型糖尿病患者慢性牙周炎齦下菌群分析Subgingival flora analysis of chronic periodontitis patients with type-2 DM
- 約半數30歲以上的美國人患有牙周炎。About 50 per cent of Americans oer 30 years of age hae periodontitis.