字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>亞洲的的英文翻譯


拼音:yà zhōu de


Asian; oriental


  1. 原產於歐洲和亞洲的獾。
    a variety of badger native to Europe and Asia.
  2. 你覺得亞洲的貨幣有可能嗎?
    Do you think it will be the Japanese yen or the Chinese renminbi?
  3. 進一步開闢迪斯尼在亞洲的市場,估計可能會通過香港的迪斯尼世界實現這個目標;
    opening Asia further to Disney, perhaps through a Hong Kong Disney World;
  4. 熱帶亞洲的一個喬木屬,花大,單生。
    genus of tropical Asiatic trees having large solitary flowers.
  5. 我訪問了亞洲的許多科學協會。
    I visited a number of scientific institutes in Asia.
  6. 白肢野牛,印度野牛一種(野牛或牛屬)大型、黑體的野牛,生於東南亞洲的山地
    A large, dark-coated wild ox(Bos gaurus) of hilly areas of southeast Asia
  7. 亞洲的一個國家;年前是法屬印度支那的一部分。
    a nation in Asia; was part of French-ruled Indochina until 1946
  8. 這家公司已開始減少在亞洲的業務。
    The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia.
