拼音:yá qiān英文翻譯
toothpick【醫】 dentiscalprum; pick; tooth pick
1.teethpick 2.picker例句:
- 尖頭挖掘工具用來挖掘的工具,如碎冰器、牙籤或撬鎖工具Something, such as an ice pick, a toothpick, or a picklock, that is used for picking.
- 他是當饑荒之際,只會建議供應牙籤的那一類聰明的慈善家之一。He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of famine, will vote for nothing but a supply of toothpick.
- 我父親喜歡在飯後用牙籤。My father likes to use toothpick after meals.
- 他正用一根牙籤剔除牙齒間的飯渣。He is removing bits of food stuck between the teeth with a toothpick.