拼音:yáo yuǎn de 英文解釋:
distant; far; far away; far-flung; far-off; faraway; remote
【電】 remote相關詞條:
far-back 2.
distant 3.
far-out 4.
faroff 漢語造句:
- 遙遠的空間或時間上很遠的
Remote in space or time.
- 荒涼的處於荒涼或遙遠的地方的
Located in a dismal or remote area.
- 那個小城鎮是我們國家一個遙遠的前哨基地。
That small town is the last far-flung outpost of our country.
- 在那個遙遠的小村落里整年下雪。
It snows all the year round in that distant little village.