字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>藥物的的英文翻譯


拼音:yào wù de


【醫】 medicamentosus; pharmacal; pharmaceutic


  1. 由於嗜毒者對藥物的耐受性增加了,因而需要更大劑量的毒品。
    As the addict's toleration increases, he requires ever larger doses of the drug.
  2. 藥物的影響下,我近來很愛睡。
    Under the influence of the medicine,I have be quite lethargic lately.
  3. 兒童對藥物的新陳代謝的方式與成年人相比有很大的不同。
    Children metabolise drugs in a way that is quite different from adults
  4. 糖漿藥水一種含糖漿的飲料,尤指可以加藥物的含藥糖漿
    A sweet syrupy drink, especially one to which medicine can be added.
  5. 醋劑一種藥物的乙酸溶液
    An acetic acid solution of a drug
  6. 病人對藥物的反應
    patient's reaction to a drug
