- 把擁擠的監獄稱作一個裝滿了被壓制的暴力的火藥筒
Referred to the crowded prison as a tinderbox of suppressed violence
- 火藥筒一種用於裝火藥或彈丸的容器或箱子
A container or case for carrying gunpowder or shot
- 一種只含有炸藥但沒有子彈的彈藥筒。
a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet.
- 一種只含有炸藥但沒有子彈的彈藥筒。
a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
- 把擁擠的監獄稱作一個裝滿了被壓制的暴力的火藥筒
Referred to the crowded prison as a tinderbox of suppressed violence.
- 這種彈藥筒能容納發彈藥。
this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains
- 這種彈藥筒能容納發彈藥。
this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains.
- 火藥筒一種用於裝火藥或彈丸的容器或箱子
A container or case for carrying gunpowder or shot.