拼音:yào rén英文解釋:
VIP; man of mark; bug; high-up; the biggest toad in the puddle【法】 important figure
居高位、有權勢的顯要人物 >>查看“要人”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.high-up 2.personage 3.high-muck-a-muck 4.padshah 5.wallah 6.keyman 7.walla 8.agreatcard 9.magnate 10.abigdeal 11.amanofmark 12.thebiggesttoadinthepuddle 13.bigwig 14.bug 15.padishah例句:
- 【諺】若要人不知,除非已莫為。The day has eyes, the night has ears.
- 巡遊由一重要人物(如一君主)進行的公開漫步,在人群中行走以博取歡迎與交談A public stroll taken by an important person, such as a monarch, among a group of people for greeting and conversation.
- 他老愛說大話,就仿佛他是一位要人似的。He likes to talk big as though he was an important person.
- 她總是能夠靠不正當的手段獲得要人的邀請。She's always wangling invitations our of important people.
- 我的鄰居總是擺架子,裝出她認識重要人物,被邀請出席豪華宴會等等。My neighbour is always putting on airs, pretending she knows important people and is invited to rich parties, and so on.